Writing Life

Update on Baby W the sequel

     Awhile back I  announced that I was pregnant, it was super early and u was definitely worried about announcing it so early, but it’s not like I put it on Facebook. I figured that I should probably go ahead and give an update, since I know that many of you have been holding your breath waiting haha.
     It’s been almost 2 weeks since our 8 week appointment and everything checked out great. We are due on February 8th, but I’m sort of hoping for a early release from this pregnancy. With Juliana, I gave birth at 37 weeks and 5 days, so I’m hoping that this one follows suit. Although, I’m hoping that the circumstances behind the birth are totally different, since I was induced due to high blood pressure. I’m case any of you go by the wives tales, the heart rate was 152 (which is in the little girl range).
     I was hoping for a boy at first this time, but now I think it would be great to have another little girl. I always wanted a sister and never had one, so maybe I’m just trying to live vicariously through Juliana. Also, my daughter is the CUTEST THING EVER, so I wouldn’t mind having another one just like her.
     As far as how I’m doing, I’d love to suck it up and lie, but this isn’t that kind of blog, if anything, I’m too honest. First, I have been ridiculously sick, but I’ve found that inhaling peppermint oil really helps. I also have been weening off my ADD medicine, which may explain the randomness of the past few posts. Of all the terrible things about pregnancy, this part is the worst. I have a newfound respect for people who stop doing drugs, because it’s definitely hell. I am literally tired all the time, but I can’t sleep at night, during the day, I nap like a champ though. I am proud to say that I have weened myself down to one Pepsi a day, and that in and of itself is a win in my book.
     As far as names go, I agreed to get pregnant under the condition that I could choose the baby’s name (I will allow him to share his opinion, but I get the last word). So far for girls, I’m tossing around Elinor, Nora, Arden, and Charlee. For boys I have Maverick (yes like Top Gun, the best movie ever IMHO), Hudson, Asa, Finley, Beckett, and Jude. As far as middle names go I haven’t really got any for a girl yet, but for boys I like Quinn, Reeves, and Israel. When I was pregnant with Juliana, I had already pretty much picked out her name, I’d always wanted a little girl named Julia Emma Grace, (Julia was my great grandmother’s name), but at about 5 months pregnant there was a little girl who lived across the street named Julia, and I decided to change her name to Juliana Rose. This time, there is no rhyme or reason behind the names I’ve chosen, some of them are biblical names, while others are just names I’ve heard and liked.
      I ended up telling my family that I was pregnant by having them line up like we were taking a picture, my Grandma was in on it so she helped get everyone together. After we lined up, Derrick began recording and I said “Everyone say we’re pregnant,” my mom immediately said, “we’re pregnant” and looked at the camera, my aunt laughed and said that’s funny all the while looking at the camera. Finally, my mom said “What? Really!” And they figured it out, it was definitely hilarious, I will try to figure out how to upload it to YouTube and post a link another day. On friday, my sister in law will be taking pregnancy announcement pictures and I will definitely post them! So there’s the update on Baby W, we are very excited to meet him or her, and I cannot wait to find out if we are having a Maverick or a Charlee.


Cutest big sister ever!

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I am a married mother of 1. I work as a stylist during the day, and at night I care for my toddler and husband. In my household, I work to create a balance between ancient methods of self care and the more convenient methods of today.

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